Chapter 8: Deceptions and the Confusing World

I was brought before the Head of Secret Service? Hmmm. I was again reminded of Kautilya’s advice in Arthasastra, in Chapter 11 Part 7, regarding the Appointment of Secret Service Insiders. (TL: The Arthaśāstra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy.)

Article 1 Paragraph 1 is about “Establishing a Spy Agency”, with the council of ministers which is proven to be honest through secret examinations, the king should appoint people in the secret service like kapatika chatra (intelligent student), udhasita (renegade priest), grihapatika (disguised as a housekeeper), vaidehaka (disguised as a merchant), tapasa (holy ascetic), satri (secret agent), tikshna (assassin), rasada (poison giver), bhiksuki (hermit).

In other parts were also clearly stated: Equipped with a lot fundings and helpers, the spy must finish the work in the place assigned to him, to carry out tasks. 

Those who become state employees are certainly taught statecraft through Arthasastra, but I once discussed it with a guru of state administration, who only gave me one night to study the thick book. Because it is not a martial arts book, I was not too enthusiastic about reading it in my youth, although I admit that there are also articles that have attracted my attention, such as in Chapter 8 section 83 on “Investigations Through Interrogation and Torture“. In Verse 22 it is written: 

A very grave offense case, the offenders are given the nine heavy stokes with a staff, twelve lashes with a whip, legs shackings, twenty strokes with the naktamala stick, thirty-slaps, two scorpion straps, and two hangers, needles in hands, burning the fingers, burning in the sun for a whole day, and a bed made of the tip of balbaja grass on a winter’s night.

According to my teacher at that time, Kautilya who was also named Wisnugupta was a brahmin who became a politician and minister of state wrote the text, but of course, it was written in India, it was why winter season was also mentioned. (TL: Yawabumi was a tropical country, it didn’t have winter). Perhaps the merchants brought the text to Yawabumi. Perhaps the one who brought the text was a member of Vajrabodhi’s Clergy, who came from Sri Lanka in 711, when he was forced to stay for five months in the Srivijaya kingdom to wait for the wind, so that he can find his way back to China. It is not impossible that there are members of the group who stayed in Suwarnadwipa, and one day take a ship of Sriwijaya’s merchants to Yawabumi. 

It is likely that ideas written in Arthasastra became the guidelines for the kings of Yawabumi, and because of that my teacher felt I should study them too. “Of course the Yawabumi’s version was adjusted, or interpreted according to the wishes of those who have interests,” said my teacher. 

I don’t know what the Head of the Secret Service wants, but my alertness has really grown. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to think that these beautiful women with long hair and thick eyebrows, fiery sharp eyes and dressed like monks were also members of tikshnas and rasadas (TL: Spies) and that was far more dangerous than facing them in open combat. 

I was taken to a Candi Bukur, a pavilion on a hill which is also a bagajing style temple or an eight story temple. The building, covered with burnt earth and is entirely yellow in color, has a waruga, a raised foyer both in the middle and at the rear. I looked around, benanten was seen in several parts of the house, as curtains and fringe at the top. Of course there are witana or pendapa there, and someone is already waiting there, from the way that person dressed, that person  is certainly a high level official. 

The cloth he wore was smooth, golden tones and the pattern of a lotus flower, and his hair ornament was also made of gold. He sat on a wooden bench. On the two poles behind it are yellow umbrellas. Near the bench there is a small table where a set of tableware. When we arrived he was chewing betel (TL: This is common in the past and present, old people do this a lot) and when he saw me he immediately spat, so red, it flew straight into the carved silver container. 

“We intend to pay the tikshna who was ordered to end the duties of the satri. But he was stupid enough to have followed this old man all the way here. We don’t know who he is, the Iron Hand Gang intends to kidnap him, we have taken care of them already. ” (TL: killed them) 

So they don’t know who I am. But they did see me trailing the assassin  who used the flying knives. They must have seen me only as they approached the tavern through the narrow passage, when the member of the poor Iron Fist Gang appeared only to disappear again for good. I remember their teacher whose iron arm broke after trying to hit me when I was just standing there like a statue. The Formless Art incited the jealousy of many. They thought I learned it from a martial art book. Even though I found it based on a thought process. 

“Who are you old man, say that you are parivrajaka or worthless candala. Say it frankly. But do let us find out that you are a spy waiting for reinforcements. ” 

I’m stunned speechless. My face must look stupid right now. I saw them all looking at me suspiciously. Parivrajaka means wandering priest, I guess I still look shabby too. Just thinking that I am a wandering priest or a shabby bum is beyond measure, and a bum without a clear caste is certainly considered a joke. 

A spy? The conflicts between the Mataram kings at Yawabumi were almost always complicated, because in each conflict, there were still various parties who were contradicting each other for their respective reasons.

I started wandering the dark river of the pugilistic world at the age of 25 in 796, at that time Rakai Panunggalan had ruled for 12 years out of 19 years of his position as a King (TL: The king might be too little during the first 7 years of his reign, so he took the crown 7 years latter). When I immersed myself in the bustling world at the age of 50, in 821 his successor, Rakai Warak, was already ruling for 18 years. He abdicated six years later. Replaced by Dyah Gula who was only on the throne a year, between 827-828. When I disappeared in 846, Rakai Garung, better known as Samarattungga, his successor, ruled for a year and later stepped down and then Rakai Pikatan ascended the throne. I know the story of his feud with Balaputradewa, who crossed over to Suwarnadwipa and indirectly tried to enlist the help of King Dewapaladeva of India to seize the throne at Yawabumi, but the period after that was like darkness to me. I only know that right now the ruler is Lokapala who has the title Rakai Kayuwangi, as far as I have heard he is Pramodawardhani’s son, the consort of Rakai Pikatan who was formerly named Jatiningrat. 

Some Mataram kings ruled for 20 years or more, but there were also those who ruled for less than one year. However, a long period of ruling does not always indicate a stable power, while a short reign does not mean chaos. The founder of the first Mataram kingdom, Sanjaya, was only able to reign for 24 years, after fighting with many of the smaller kingdoms around him. It also took place during the 38 years of Rakai Panamkaran’s reign in order to reach the peak of his sovereignty. Whether the reign of Rakai Kayuwangi is classified as a calm government amidst the chaos or The one who changes and transforms in a calm manner, I haven’t got my way around it yet.

I can’t talk about it in frog this the Head of the Secret Service after all. He spat straight in my face. 

“Make him talk!” 

Should I escape? Or should I pretend to escape so that I will be able to understand things more clearly? A white sword was suddenly placed under my chin. One of the secret guards approached. Her scent almost made me unable to think. 

“Old man, you can still live a little longer if you talk.” 

I chose the latter. “Sigh … Sight …” “Speak up! Hurry! ” 

“I’m only following orders …” The women drew closer. “Whose orders?” 

I really have to act. “I can’t say …” Ugh! 

A kick lodged into my chest, and my head bent forward and was greeted by an iron knee. I received all of this with the Water Absorbing Sand Art, so no matter how hard the punches and kicks are, I will never feel a thing. I plopped down and rolled across the stone floor. The retainer stomped and kicked me. 

“Say it! Who! Who! Who!” I have to play along. 

“My goodness, my lord! Please forgive me! My goodness! I’m just a commoner! ” 

He kept kicking and stomping, while I tried to keep facing down on my stomach so that my pretense couldn’t be read from my facial expression. 

“You are old and ready to go to hell! Reduce your sin with honest confession! Unless you want to feel hell today! Tell me who you work for! ” 

Out of nowhere the Head of the Secret Service was already holding a thorny whip that would slashed people hard, before being doused with salt water. 

I thought hard. If I didn’t let my skin be slashed because of the Water Absorbing Sand Art, it would be very suspicious. But allowing that whip to slash me would also be problematic. 

Apart from being very painful, my skin won’t heal too easily because I’m a 100 years old man. The pain can be dealt with by internal forces, but i will need a lot of time to heal my body after that,

Should I sacrifice myself in such a way for the sake of being disguised? 

The retainer whipped my back. Breeett! (SFX) My cloth was torn and the spikes of the whip pierced my skin. It is hard to imagine that humans would be able to endure such pain. 

At that moment I got an idea. “Spare me!” 

I screamed as if I wasn in great pain, and of course pretending that I didn’t know that the retainer’s eardrums were vibrating because of the high frequency sound waves I sent along with my screams. 

“Spare me!” 

Thus every time the whip struck, my scream might sound natural, but thanks to my inner strength I was able to cover his eardrums with high frequency sound waves that made his head hurt. I knew my back was covered in blood because it was slashed. The head of the Secret Service mistakenly thought it was the cause of my screams. 

Only five lashes later, he stopped. 

“Old man, you said that you only got orders. Tell me who ordered you so that you do not suffer more! ” 

I already knew what I was going to say a long time ago. But if I say it too easily, it would be suspicious. I have to buy time. I still want more information, anyway. 

“I dare not say it, sire, because I would have died if I said it.” 

The retainer twisted his mustache. I tried to get up and kneel. “It is the same! You too will die if you don’t say it! ” 

“Forgive me my lord!” 

“You have to say it! Or do you want a reward before you are willing to say it? ” 

I raised my head, I saw him give a signal to the palace secret guards. I recalled Kautilya alias Canakya’s advice in Arthasastra about “Persuade those who can be persuaded and do not be seduced in one’s own territory” which is in Chapter 13 Part 9 of the book. I remember Verses 17 and 25. 

He should take their heart by gifting them with gifts and peace to those who are not satisfied so that they may become satisfied, he should deal with those who are dissatisfied by means of peace (same), reward (dana), strife (difference), or violence (danda), It is important to understand their way of thinking, so that the right action can be made. 

Whichever way they use, I will act as if I am a spy who revealed secrets. But It is better to know more things first before committing this one trick. 

The retainer left the room. Leaving the secret guards, the king’s personal bodyguards, who made me curious about how they mastered the Suksmabhuta Sword Art. 

They are suddenly acting friendly. “Sir, forgive the Head of the Secret Service, he does not understand the dangers that threaten you. Now you can go freely …” 

Free? Even though I haven’t found anything that can explain my situation?! 

“Now we will treat your wound.” Said one of the women. “Come on, sir, open the clothes first.” 

Ah! They wanted to treat my wounds, if they took off my clothes, you would see both coffers of money and a picture of me as a Nameless Warrior on the tal leaf! I don’t know what I can do if it becomes a new problem. 

“Forgive me, lady, just let me go. I’m sorry, I can’t stand here any longer. Let me go … ” 

Maybe I succeeded in playing the role of a very pitiful person. But I rather believe they have another ploy, when they simply let me go. I quickly caught the idea of running, they looked at each other using the Angavidya Art, which is the art of interpreting body language.

“Okay,, if you are not able to endure suffering, we will not hold you any longer, but bring this medicinal herb, rub it on your wound. Hopefully it will help you to recover soon. ” 

I was escorted to the front of the gate, they let me wobble and left. Very weird. They should still be detaining me with great suspicion. They already found out I was following the assassin down a narrow alley. I had aroused their curiosity by acting as if someone had ordered me to do so and that the ruler seemed to be in control. 

They should still have kept me, kept asking curiously, if necessary with torture, the way they acted seemes to matched the description on Arthasastra Text. But they let go of me who just wasn’t prepared to suddenly getting questions about the Nameless Warrior (TL: himself). I did want to escape because of the wanted sheet about the Nameless Warrior , but that they let me go too easily, it aroused my suspicions. 

I’m still walking and thinking. Can Arthasastra still provide answers? Since I learned it when I was young, there are still quite a few that I can remember. 

If he already has spies for high officials he should appoint other spies for the citizens and villagers, secret agents for the holy places, meeting places, community associations and in other groups.

I hobbled into the crowd. People passing by on the street. I guess the world is getting cramped and to me that means even more confusion. What martial arts knowledge is still given in such circumstances? 

I took a step, lost myself among many people. I didn’t even look back. But I know how much people are following me.

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